Whelped April 16, 2021
4 Males / 2 Females
Scroll down for photos
We do Avidog's Early Scent Introduction &
Early Neurological Stimulation Exercises
Day 3 through Day 16

Few Hours Old
We are here and doing great

Few Hours Old
Sweet Faces

Day 2 New Collars

Day 4
Sleeping again

One Week Old
Eating - Such a good Mom

One Week 6 Days
The Girls
Pink and Yellow

One Week 6 Days
The Boys
Blue and Purple

One Week 6 Days
The Boys
Green and Red

3 Weeks
First Gruel, we love this stuff

3 Weeks
Sweet Face with gruel on it

3 Weeks
Another Sweet Face, more gruel on face

4 Weeks
Blue Boy (Left) & Pink Girl (Right)

4 Weeks
Yellow Girl

4 Weeks
Purple Boy

4 Weeks
Red Boy

4 Weeks
Green Boy

5 Weeks
We are getting SO BIG we need two food dishes now

5 Weeks
Introduction to hanging toys and different surfaces

5 Weeks

5 Weeks
King of the Mountain

6 Weeks
New Bed

6 Weeks
Outside and loving it
Puppy on left getting ready to run

6 Weeks
Outside with Gramma Ivy

6 Weeks
So Many Toys